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The development of quality management and production technology are strongly relating with management science. The definition of quality in the modern society, which includes the awareness of social, economic and systematic aspects.
The sociality of quality
The quality not only directly affects the customer, but also the evaluation of the whole society, especially relates to the problems of production safety, environmental pollution, and ecological balance.

The economy of quality
The economic content when considering the quality not only include the parts of technical indicators, but also involves the evaluation of the aspects of production cost, price, usage, and consumptions. We cannot consider the quality level and target apart from the condition and needs of society, or only simply pursue the advancement of technology. Besides, we have to think of the rational usage to make sure the reasonable balance of quality and price.

The system of quality
Quality is a complex system which is impacted by three factors, design, manufacture, and usage. For example, a car is a complex mechanical system, while it is also considered as a usage system which relates with roads, drivers, passengers, cargo, and transportation rules. The quality should meet the target evaluation multi-dimensionally. Feigenbaum thinks that the system of quality is a network of a certain qualified and standard product as well as the process of payment for management and technology.

The development from the quality management to the comprehensive quality management is another great move of quality management work. The statistic quality management concentrates on applying statistics method on controlling the quality of production process, plays a preventive management function, so as to ensure the quality of products. However, the process of product quality formation is not only relating to the production process, but also other projects, many aspects and factors, which not simply relies on the solving statistic quality management. Comprehensive quality management is more adapt to the integrity of modern production management, the comprehensiveness of objective requirement, from the past limiting management to comprehensive and systemic management step by step.